Have you ever stopped to think about whom we are and who God is in relation to us? As we live our lives, we get caught up in the day to day challenges of dealing with issues and other people. Most of us live on auto pilot and deal with life as it presents itself to us through our five senses. Most give little thought to what we can’t see and that includes God. We believe He/She is out there somewhere but we seem to only look for God in times of emergencies or crises. In my book, God is Alive and Well I present a twenty-first century view of who God is and who we are in relation to Him/Her. God is described in the Bible as the Light of the world and I have compared that Light to the light particles and waves that make up quantum energy.
When we think of ourselves, we think of the physical body that we see in the mirror and others view as solid with unique features. However, when you strip away the colour of our skin, we are all composed of flesh, blood, bones and organs. We are all the same in physical composition. What makes us all different is what we can’t see with the naked eye. We are composed of four unique bodies and not just the physical one we see. We have three bodies that we can’t see. We have an emotional body that houses our love, fear, compassion, envy and jealousies. Every emotion you have ever had is stored in your emotional body – the good and the bad – for your entire lifetime. You also have an invisible mental body that houses your belief systems. These are formed often without you even knowing it throughout your life. These beliefs begin with the culture you grew up in and your parents are the chief architects of those beliefs. Your teachers, in school, reinforced those beliefs and every person you deal with in life has an impact on your belief system. You believe that your beliefs are your truth. However, today that truth is being challenge by meeting and living around people of other world cultures that don’t act and think as you do. Hence the crisis we are witnessing in society today is being described as tribalism. The last but most important invisible body is our Spirit/Soul which comes to us at birth as a piece of God’s Spirit that resides with us throughout our lifetime. This raises the question of how God fits into this picture of the human who has one visible body and three invisible bodies. God’s desire is for every person to return to Him/Her as a pure sin free person, who seeks a connection with God and is guided through life by that Holy Spirit. However, God has given every person the free choice to go their own way and be guided by the urges and the contents of their invisible bodies; or connect with Him/Her. The problem is connecting to the Spirit of God is just the first step. The Holy Spirit cannot bring Light into a person’s emotional, mental or spirit bodies if they are filled with the clutter or sins of a lifetime. With God’s help removing that imbalanced energy is the second and most important part of connecting to God’s Spirit. God can only fill a person’s bodies to the level He/She is permitted.
When we think of God it is through the lens of what our parents taught us or what we learned about Him/Her through our many contacts with people in our culture or maybe from another culture. Our problem is, how can a person describe an entity we cannot see but we have been told exists? If you have been raised in a religious background, you have been told that God exists in your faith and that will have to do. However, the Bible shows us a side to God that goes far beyond our beliefs through faith. The writers of the Bible were trying to show us the true nature of God in the various anecdotes. They described God as all powerful. Often they tried to show God as acting like a man with massive power in His/Her arm or hand which brought about miraculous results.
Think of some of God’s power through ordinary humans like Moses who brought down upon Egypt ten plaques which devastated the country and its people. Think of God coming down in a cloud of fire and billowing smoke on the mountain when he met with the people of Israel in the desert. Think of the power of God in the miracles that He/She performed through people like Elijah and Elisha who brought children back from the dead. Think of the many powerful miracles Jesus performed displaying what a person could do if they became totally connected to the Spirit of God. We are always reminded that God will only connect His/Her Spirit with a person’s Soul/Spirit through invitation and intent. Otherwise He/She will not interfere in our lives because God honors our freedom to choose. So, what is this Power of God that we speak about? Thanks to our scientists who are learning the composition of quantum energy, we are coming face to face with the Power of God. Let me explain. Quantum energy is composed of tiny, (invisible to the naked eye), particles of light and light waves. Just like electricity and radio waves that are also invisible, they fill all space around us and even fill us. We think we are alone in this world but we all have one thing in common. We are all filled with the same energy and we are far more alike than different. However, what makes quantum light different from any other energy is the power it contains. That power is the Power of God. What do we mean by that? If we examine the attributes of quantum light we find it has the same abilities that describe the Power of God that you find in the Bible. First of all, we are told in the Bible that God can be with all of us at the same time and hears every prayer we utter. Quantum light has the ability to be in multiple places at the same time. We are told that God knows our every thought and hears every word we say. Quantum light is a message carrier that can instantly carry all messages around the world and across the universe. What we fail to do is realize that God is closer to us than our own breath. God is in us and we are in God and regretfully we don’t even realize it. God will either let us go our own way or, on our invitation, connect with us to be our road map through life. Throughout the Bible we are told that God knows our every thought. That idea boggles the mind! How can the Creator of the Universe know what a lowly, insignificant person such as I am, is thinking. King David refers to this incredible ability of God when he tells his son, Solomon, “For the Lord searches every heart and understands every desire and thought.” He also refers to God’s ability to intimately know him when he says in Psalm 139, “Search me, God and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.” We have never figured out who God is and what His capabilities are until very recently. As long as God was somewhere out there or in heaven, we have felt immune to God’s presence or judgement. Really, the truth is we don’t want God or anybody else knowing what we are thinking.
Then along comes our new science, quantum mechanics. Most people are oblivious to what it really is. In my book, God is Alive and Well, I explore how God and we function in this new science. Quantum energy is just like electricity or radio waves. We know they exist. We just can’t see them. We know they exist by the results of what we see when we turn on a light switch or listen to music on a radio station or on your cell phone. Just because we can’t actually see the energies, we do believe they exist. The same is true for quantum energy that shows itself as light particles and light waves. Scientists have been studying this energy for one hundred years but unlike electricity and radio waves, we really haven’t harnessed quantum energy to find all its uses. This is changing rapidly in recent years and our minds will be blown by what we can do with it in the future, like quantum computing. Where does God fit into this unseen world of quantum mechanics? As I have stated in my book, God is Alive and Well, the Lord created the entire universe, including our planet using the quantum light. Scientists have discovered that quantum light has some very remarkable properties. It travels faster than the speed of light. It carries messages. It is extremely powerful and it exists in all space. What we think of as empty space is totally filled with quantum light. It even fills every person’s body. After considering the properties of quantum light and that God is in every particle of that light, does it surprise you the Creator is with you and in you every moment of every day? We can have no secrets from God. This brings us to the second part of our communications. It is one thing to think negative thoughts of others but God also knows our every word that we utter, even when no one is around to hear them. But God is! Proverbs says, “The tongue of the wise adorns knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly.” In today’s society words gush forth with little thought of who reads or hears them. We have entered a period of time where the world is connected by words and images but if we realize God is fully knowledgeable about every word you write, how honoring are you to Him who is pure Love. As well, if we realize that our words are sent out in the quantum light, are we contributing to the pollution of the earth? If we send a hateful message out, it can carry instantaneously around the world and throughout the universe. As Solomon says in Proverbs, “Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues. Maybe it’s time to stop and think before we send out that negative message. In the first chapter of the book of John in the Bible he begins by saying, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God”. For two thousand years we have tried to make sense of that statement. When we study quantum energy, that statement makes perfect sense. As I have stated in my book, God is Alive and Well, quantum energy is composed of light particles and light waves that exist everywhere in space and that light is the Light of God. Quantum light can also carry information and, as John said, God is the Word and the Word is God. Now we can see how God proclaimed the Word in the quantum light energy and the world was formed, as it is told in Genesis.
We are told in Genesis 1 God created everything using Words and that is how even we were created, as humans. However, words are created by the mind which is considered a masculine aspect of us. God didn’t feel we were complete with just a mind to guide us through life. As a result, he gave us Eve, the feminine aspect to not only give us companionship but also make us balanced individuals. God wanted humans to be both mind and heart creatures so that we would live our lives in a balanced and wise way. However, God wasn’t finished creating humans. He also gave each person a piece of His Spirit in the form of our soul at birth and it stays with us until the day we die. The problem is God didn’t want to override our lives by making all of our decisions in life. He gave us free will to connect to His Spirit in our lives or let the connection lie dormant and we would go our own way. We see in the Bible many times where God sent individuals to show us what happens when they connect their own Soul/Spirit with the Spirit of God. We saw it in Moses who created amazing miracles to free the Israelites from Pharaoh’s slavery. We saw it when Noah built the ark at the direction of God. We also saw it when both Elijah and Eisha raised children to life after they had died. Down through history we have witnessed many men and women who had special gifts from God to heal people, change the weather, and perform miracles that could only have come because of their connection to God’s Spirit. God sent a very powerful message to humans two thousand years ago, through a special man, Jesus, who not only could create miracles and healings but also was a teacher of God’s Wisdom. He invited anyone, who wanted the same spiritual connection with God that he had, to walk through his Spiritual Door and join him with God to do what he did while on this earth. Just before he ascended into heaven he told not only his disciples but even you and me in Mark 16:18 that we could do everything he did and more. Unfortunately, since then, we have intellectualized Jesus words and venerated him but failed to employ a balanced approach of mind (masculine energy) and heart (feminine energy) to how he instructed us to live our lives. Connecting our spirit to the Holy Spirit of God is the logical way forward for each person if we need help living in this complex world. Over 80% of the world’s population believes in God. However, the religions of the world take different pathways to reach Him/Her. God also has many names but all believe in Him/Her as the Creator of all things including humans. Some religions see God as a paternalistic Father and Judge of all mankind. Some religions struggle with the role of women in their religions; with the females taking on a lesser than male position in the religious hierarchy. Christianity in recent years is trying through the various denominations to put men and women more on an equal footing and some have farther to go than others. The problems most individuals in Christian churches grapple with are who God is and who they are in relation to the Creator.
The Bible’s Old Testament showed us a God of commandments, rules and regulations that people were expected to follow if they wanted to be considered part of God’s special people. We saw throughout the Old Testament that the people of Israel failed miserably to follow the direction God gave them to live as part of His family. God took a new approach in the New Testament by introducing us to a very special man, Jesus. God used a new approach by calling him His Son, who it was said, came in a virgin birth. He gave wise lessons on how people should live according to God’s plan. As well, He gave Jesus special spiritual powers to heal people and even raise individuals from death. To show the power of God, He allowed Jesus to die a horrible death on a cross and raised him to life once again after three days. For the past 2,000 years the Christian churches have studied Jesus’ lessons and deified him because of the miracles he did while he was alive. Jesus’ teachings have become the model for how a person should live a Christian life, as part of God’s family. Following Jesus’ teaching has led to doing as Jesus did, as a spiritual servant of all mankind. Some churches emphasized service both inside and outside to the greater world to spread Jesus’ teachings. Ministry and evangelism brought the Christian teachings of Jesus to all nations. However, the message overlooked a major instruction Jesus gave to all people. He told a religious leader of his time that, to be a follower of God, he needed to be “born again.” What in the world was Jesus talking about when he said that? Today, we call that statement as becoming “Spiritually Awakened.” He wasn’t talking about dying and being born again but in this present life we must connect to God, as well as being God’s servant to everyone else. What does all this mean? When we are born as babies, God gives us a piece of His Spirit, which is with us all our life and returns back to God when we die. Our Spirit/Soul is not activated until we decide to invite God’s Spirit into our life. Since God gives us free will to choose our own path in life, it is up to us to make the connection with God to activate our Spirit/Soul to receive God’s instructions and guidance for our lives. Jesus referred to this process as standing at the “door” of our life and knocking. He said if we answer his knock, he would come in and join us in a meal. When we answer that knock on our spiritual door, God will come in and give us the wisdom to live a full and meaningful life. Who Are We in God’s Eyes?
The Field of Quantum Physics has added a whole new dimension to our understanding of who God is and who we are in relation to Him. Scientists like Albert Einstein have revealed to us a new world we cannot see, like electricity, microwaves, radio waves, X-rays, MRI’s, we know they all exist by what they show us. Quantum Physics has shown us a new energy, light particles and light waves that can be in multiple places at the same time, can carry messages and has the immense power to create everything, including the earth, planets, sun and even everything on earth, including us. What Quantum Physics has shown us is, not only how God created everything but that God is in every particle of that invisible creative light. When we think of that quantum light, we now understand who God is but who we are as humans. Everything in the universe is made up of this special creative light energy. The discovery of quantum light energy, for the first time, shows us who God is, how He created everything, and how He sees us as humans. The Bible says we were made in God’s image. Well, if God is in the quantum light, then He sees us, not as flesh and blood biology but as spiritual light, which is what our souls are composed of. If God is in every quantum particle of light and can be everywhere at the same time, He is not only around us but is also in us constantly. The Bible refers many times to God knowing everything we do, say and think. Quantum light proves that statement. God is omnipresent and omniscient in our lives at all times. God doesn’t just see us as light particles, by the trillions, coming together in a coherent, compressed form to create our physical body, he sees three other bodies that make us up. We have an emotional body which holds our every kind of emotion we have experienced in life. We have a mental body which holds our belief system that is also collected over our lifetime composed of family beliefs, cultural beliefs and experiential beliefs. The final body is our Soul or Spirit which is God’s connection to us and was given to us at birth, as a piece of His Spirit. These three bodies may be invisible to us but all three have a major impact on our lives and affect our relationship with others and that includes our surroundings. Think of the challenges we have in life. Where do they come from? Regrettably we often think our problems only affect our physical body, when in fact, the problems often come from one of our invisible bodies. Usually, when we think a physical problem appears, we address it with a chemical concoction in the form of pills or injections to alleviate or eliminate the problem. What has been ignored in Western Society is the problem may have originally occurred in our emotions, belief system or spirit/soul. It is very hard to solve a problem in one of these bodies with chemicals that in no way can eliminate it. The only solution to a problem in one of the invisible bodies is with an energy solution to bring balance back to all four of the bodies. What is your view of who God is and who we are as humans? That question has dogged us throughout all of history. The religions that have been built up around God, place Him in some heavenly place watching over His creation and passing judgement on mankind for the sins they have committed. We have even created in our minds a god that appears as an old white bearded man sitting on a throne surrounded by his angels. In this 21st century we now know that God is much bigger and more powerful than we tend to give Him credit for. Scientists have proven the existence of the very energy of God in the invisible light of quantum physics.
Throughout history we have been told that God is the author of all miracles and we are just bystanders watching Him/Her play out the godly role. However, stories in the Bible seem to contradict that scenario. Think of Moses in the Old Testament who performed the ten miracles before Pharaoh before he let the people of Israel leave their slavery. Or, think of the prophets Elijah and his student Elisha who each raised a child from the dead. These were individuals who were just ordinary men until they crossed over into the spiritual realm of God, who bestowed gifts of healing on them. While they remained fully human, they were able to use the energy of God to created God’s miracles on earth. In the New Testament the whole of God’s Energy and teachings are displayed in one man, Jesus. Like an ordinary human being he was baptised by John the Baptist, went out into the desert and was tempted by Satan or the dark forces to follow the ways of every other person. But God had already brought him onto the spiritual side. However, when Jesus, or any other person, including you and I, walk through that spiritual door that Jesus refers to, we have the power to discriminate between good and evil. Like Jesus, we can choose the correct path that God shows us. Jesus is our way shower and guide for living. He said the two greatest commandments were to love God with all your being and to love everyone else as you love yourself. When Jesus rose from the dead, he promised his followers and us that he would send a helper or the Holy Spirit of God to guide everyone through life. We seem to have a challenge understanding who the Holy Spirit is. Simply put, the Holy Spirit is the energy of God and comes to us as our guide. While we may think of God as somewhere out there in Heaven, the Holy Spirit is also God’s Energy. He/She is not only close to us in the quantum light He/She is also in us always. God is just waiting for us to say come in and join my Spirit/Soul and help me live this life. God gave us free will and will never interfere with us until we invite Him/Her to become active in our life. The ball is in our court. The decision is totally ours. In my book “God is Alive and Well” I discuss connecting to God through our own Spirit or Soul which is His connection to us. So, the question we ask is HOW? How do we know when it happens and do we become different in some way? If you go back to the Bible and look at the book of Acts, God showed us a visual of what takes place when He connects with us through the Holy Spirit. Forty days after Jesus died and rose from the dead, God’s Spirit descended on his followers, which was described as the sound of a violent wind and those in attendance say tongues of fire landed on each person. Was it real flames or was it a vision that everyone saw? The result was everyone speaking in languages that each person understood.
Well, something worked! For two thousand years God has been sending his Holy Spirit into Christians around the world. God wants a perfect connection with humans. He made us in His image giving us a piece of His Spirit and it is with us from the day we are born until the day we die. During our lifetime God gives us free will to choose our own way to live this life or let the Holy Spirit of God connect with us to be our helper and guide. Jesus was God’s way shower to show us by example how a God connected person should live, displaying love for all humans. Jesus also showed us the power we can have in our lives by the miracles he did and he told us we could do the same. For over two thousand years Jesus has been knocking at the door of our lives, waiting for us to open it to let the Spirit of God come in and connect His Spirit to ours. Unless we do that, we go through life being guided by our egos and engage in activities which we hope will result in a life of bliss and lots of material gains. Einstein showed us a different way to look at life. His theory that everything is composed of energy has impacted many aspects of our lives. Without Einstein’s theory we would not have XRay, PET, EKG, MRI machines and many more pieces of technology. The one area of our lives where we ignore quantum energy is when we think of God. If we accept that we are composed of quantum light particles that are frozen in place, what does that say about God? We know from quantum research that these light particles can be in more than one place at any time. They can travel instantaneously anywhere and they carry knowledge. Quantum light is the most powerful force in the universe. Quantum light describes who God is and it helps us understand who we are as individuals. If we are made up of this quantum light, what do we understand about who we are? We know we have a physical body we can see but we also have an emotional body that contains our feelings. We have a mental body which stores our belief systems which we grew up with and most of life’s decisions are influenced by those hidden bodies. Unfortunately, when we don’t connect ourselves to the Spirit of God, life can get pretty screwed up. The challenge we have in this life is to understand who we are and who God is in relation to us. We know we have a Spirit or Soul that comes in with us when we are born and leaves when we die. Our Spirit or Soul is the piece of God`s Spirit that gives us a connection to the Creator. Jesus told us that we need to be born again or spiritually connect to God, if we want a meaningful life. However, God will never force himself or herself on anyone. We have to seek the special connection of our Spirit with the Spirit of God. We wander through life seeking a reason for being on this earth. Connecting to God gives you the answer.
Our Western religions were based on the patriarch, Abraham who established Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Unfortunately, a patriarchal system arose where the only voices heard over thousands of years was male energy which dominated religion, politics and business. The masculine energy is associated with the left brain which looks at everything from an analytical point. The right brain is associated with feminine energy or the creative and heart feeling of the person. Even today left brain, masculine energy still predominates our institutions but we are starting to see breakthroughs in feminine energy rising in importance. In the Old Testament we see God as the Spirit who emphasized the masculine, left brain thinking, representing rules and regulations for living. In the New Testament we see the feminine energy of God coming through in Jesus. His teachings emphasized the importance of not only love through right brain connections with all people but still supporting a left brain, masculine energy approach to life. God was asking us to be balanced individuals using both left brain masculine energy and right brain feminine energy to live our lives. So, what is our answer to living in this complex and often challenging world. As was mentioned at the beginning, we must establish a connection between our Spirit or Soul and the Spirit of God. The choice is ours and can only take place when we, with pure intent, ask God to come into our lives and connect His Spirit with ours. We are in the driver`s seat of our lives and it is up to us to make the first move. God didn`t put us on this earth to be alone. For better or worse, we have to share this planet with 7.5 billion people. Some will become family, friends or acquaintances. Another may even become our spouse. What we must remember is, if the connection with God does not exist, the marriage will have major challenges. All relationships must come together as two whole balanced people for total success to be achieved. When a person retires, it is expected that the good times begin. We are usually in good health and we look forward to taking up the hobby we always wanted to do or take the trip we never got time to do. For me, I am a lifelong learner and getting a PhD in my mid-fifties tells it all. Well, it didn’t end there. After my retirement I began reading and researching everything I could find on the new energy that Albert Einstein discovered. Most people would probably check my sanity and make the comment that I stayed in education too long and sadly it is probably too late to redeem me from myself.
Well, let me share with you what I have discovered about this new energy that is also called quantum mechanics or quantum physics. There is plenty of research over the past seventy years to prove that Einstein was right. All space is filled with this energy and that includes us. Every atom that is in everything is made up of swirling vortexes of energy. To me, what was even more fascinating was the energy is composed of a very low frequency of light particles and light waves. Researchers have studied these light particles and waves extensively. They discovered the light can be split and land in two different places; not only that it can be in multiple places at the same time. It also defies the laws of known physics and can travel instantaneously anywhere on earth. They have also discovered that it can carry messages and is the most powerful force on the planet. Being a person who has studied the Bible extensively over many years, I took a theological leap of faith and compared this new energy to the Bible’s description of God. Wonder of wonder, they are identical. For the first time in three hundred years God and science come together in the new energy. When a person, who is as curious as I am, makes a major personal discovery, you just have to write a book. For the past two years I have written the book, God is Alive and Well, which explores humankind’s relationship with God as it relates to the new energy. All along the way, I have shared the chapters with five different church congregations with overwhelming support for the messages. This brings us to look at wellness from the perspective of the new energy. First of all, if everything, including us, is composed of energy, what impact does this concept have on our health? We are made up of four bodies. We can see one of our bodies – the physical body. The other three are also composed of the invisible new energy; our emotional body, our mental body and our spirit/soul body. I have explored in the book how our four bodies can get out of whack and become imbalanced, leading to problems arising in our health and wellness. God is Alive and Well explores the relationship God expects of us as we live our lives in this very complex world. The message here is that God is as close to us as our own breath at all times, and is even closer. God made us in his image when he gave a soul/spirit to us at birth and will leave us and return to God when we leave this earth. During our lifetime we have a choice to make. We can either connect our soul/spirit to the Spirit of God and be guided by His Light, Love and Wisdom or go our own way and live our life without His help. We must always remember God has given us all free will to live our lives in whatever way that we choose. He will not interfere in our decisions unless we choose that connection. This brings us back to our invisible bodies; emotional, mental, spiritual. For the past century we have tried to bring balance to our bodies through medication, surgery or lifestyle changes. If the problem is an energy issue and not a chemical issue, we need to look to energy solutions to solve some of our issues of imbalance. Asian countries for centuries have resorted to energy solutions to health problems. Some of these solutions are creeping into western society in the forms of meditation, homeopathy, reiki, acupuncture, etc. God is Alive and Well opens the door to examining health and wellness, as it begins a new conversation. |
AuthorA soul-touching and inspiring book, God Is Alive and Well presents a fresh and exciting view of God that will ultimately draw readers into a deeper understanding of—and relationship with—their creator. Archives
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