In the first chapter of the book of John in the Bible he begins by saying, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God”. For two thousand years we have tried to make sense of that statement. When we study quantum energy, that statement makes perfect sense. As I have stated in my book, God is Alive and Well, quantum energy is composed of light particles and light waves that exist everywhere in space and that light is the Light of God. Quantum light can also carry information and, as John said, God is the Word and the Word is God. Now we can see how God proclaimed the Word in the quantum light energy and the world was formed, as it is told in Genesis.
We are told in Genesis 1 God created everything using Words and that is how even we were created, as humans. However, words are created by the mind which is considered a masculine aspect of us. God didn’t feel we were complete with just a mind to guide us through life. As a result, he gave us Eve, the feminine aspect to not only give us companionship but also make us balanced individuals. God wanted humans to be both mind and heart creatures so that we would live our lives in a balanced and wise way. However, God wasn’t finished creating humans. He also gave each person a piece of His Spirit in the form of our soul at birth and it stays with us until the day we die. The problem is God didn’t want to override our lives by making all of our decisions in life. He gave us free will to connect to His Spirit in our lives or let the connection lie dormant and we would go our own way. We see in the Bible many times where God sent individuals to show us what happens when they connect their own Soul/Spirit with the Spirit of God. We saw it in Moses who created amazing miracles to free the Israelites from Pharaoh’s slavery. We saw it when Noah built the ark at the direction of God. We also saw it when both Elijah and Eisha raised children to life after they had died. Down through history we have witnessed many men and women who had special gifts from God to heal people, change the weather, and perform miracles that could only have come because of their connection to God’s Spirit. God sent a very powerful message to humans two thousand years ago, through a special man, Jesus, who not only could create miracles and healings but also was a teacher of God’s Wisdom. He invited anyone, who wanted the same spiritual connection with God that he had, to walk through his Spiritual Door and join him with God to do what he did while on this earth. Just before he ascended into heaven he told not only his disciples but even you and me in Mark 16:18 that we could do everything he did and more. Unfortunately, since then, we have intellectualized Jesus words and venerated him but failed to employ a balanced approach of mind (masculine energy) and heart (feminine energy) to how he instructed us to live our lives. Connecting our spirit to the Holy Spirit of God is the logical way forward for each person if we need help living in this complex world.
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Over 80% of the world’s population believes in God. However, the religions of the world take different pathways to reach Him/Her. God also has many names but all believe in Him/Her as the Creator of all things including humans. Some religions see God as a paternalistic Father and Judge of all mankind. Some religions struggle with the role of women in their religions; with the females taking on a lesser than male position in the religious hierarchy. Christianity in recent years is trying through the various denominations to put men and women more on an equal footing and some have farther to go than others. The problems most individuals in Christian churches grapple with are who God is and who they are in relation to the Creator.
The Bible’s Old Testament showed us a God of commandments, rules and regulations that people were expected to follow if they wanted to be considered part of God’s special people. We saw throughout the Old Testament that the people of Israel failed miserably to follow the direction God gave them to live as part of His family. God took a new approach in the New Testament by introducing us to a very special man, Jesus. God used a new approach by calling him His Son, who it was said, came in a virgin birth. He gave wise lessons on how people should live according to God’s plan. As well, He gave Jesus special spiritual powers to heal people and even raise individuals from death. To show the power of God, He allowed Jesus to die a horrible death on a cross and raised him to life once again after three days. For the past 2,000 years the Christian churches have studied Jesus’ lessons and deified him because of the miracles he did while he was alive. Jesus’ teachings have become the model for how a person should live a Christian life, as part of God’s family. Following Jesus’ teaching has led to doing as Jesus did, as a spiritual servant of all mankind. Some churches emphasized service both inside and outside to the greater world to spread Jesus’ teachings. Ministry and evangelism brought the Christian teachings of Jesus to all nations. However, the message overlooked a major instruction Jesus gave to all people. He told a religious leader of his time that, to be a follower of God, he needed to be “born again.” What in the world was Jesus talking about when he said that? Today, we call that statement as becoming “Spiritually Awakened.” He wasn’t talking about dying and being born again but in this present life we must connect to God, as well as being God’s servant to everyone else. What does all this mean? When we are born as babies, God gives us a piece of His Spirit, which is with us all our life and returns back to God when we die. Our Spirit/Soul is not activated until we decide to invite God’s Spirit into our life. Since God gives us free will to choose our own path in life, it is up to us to make the connection with God to activate our Spirit/Soul to receive God’s instructions and guidance for our lives. Jesus referred to this process as standing at the “door” of our life and knocking. He said if we answer his knock, he would come in and join us in a meal. When we answer that knock on our spiritual door, God will come in and give us the wisdom to live a full and meaningful life. |
AuthorA soul-touching and inspiring book, God Is Alive and Well presents a fresh and exciting view of God that will ultimately draw readers into a deeper understanding of—and relationship with—their creator. Archives
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