What is your view of who God is and who we are as humans? That question has dogged us throughout all of history. The religions that have been built up around God, place Him in some heavenly place watching over His creation and passing judgement on mankind for the sins they have committed. We have even created in our minds a god that appears as an old white bearded man sitting on a throne surrounded by his angels. In this 21st century we now know that God is much bigger and more powerful than we tend to give Him credit for. Scientists have proven the existence of the very energy of God in the invisible light of quantum physics.
Throughout history we have been told that God is the author of all miracles and we are just bystanders watching Him/Her play out the godly role. However, stories in the Bible seem to contradict that scenario. Think of Moses in the Old Testament who performed the ten miracles before Pharaoh before he let the people of Israel leave their slavery. Or, think of the prophets Elijah and his student Elisha who each raised a child from the dead. These were individuals who were just ordinary men until they crossed over into the spiritual realm of God, who bestowed gifts of healing on them. While they remained fully human, they were able to use the energy of God to created God’s miracles on earth. In the New Testament the whole of God’s Energy and teachings are displayed in one man, Jesus. Like an ordinary human being he was baptised by John the Baptist, went out into the desert and was tempted by Satan or the dark forces to follow the ways of every other person. But God had already brought him onto the spiritual side. However, when Jesus, or any other person, including you and I, walk through that spiritual door that Jesus refers to, we have the power to discriminate between good and evil. Like Jesus, we can choose the correct path that God shows us. Jesus is our way shower and guide for living. He said the two greatest commandments were to love God with all your being and to love everyone else as you love yourself. When Jesus rose from the dead, he promised his followers and us that he would send a helper or the Holy Spirit of God to guide everyone through life. We seem to have a challenge understanding who the Holy Spirit is. Simply put, the Holy Spirit is the energy of God and comes to us as our guide. While we may think of God as somewhere out there in Heaven, the Holy Spirit is also God’s Energy. He/She is not only close to us in the quantum light He/She is also in us always. God is just waiting for us to say come in and join my Spirit/Soul and help me live this life. God gave us free will and will never interfere with us until we invite Him/Her to become active in our life. The ball is in our court. The decision is totally ours.
In my book “God is Alive and Well” I discuss connecting to God through our own Spirit or Soul which is His connection to us. So, the question we ask is HOW? How do we know when it happens and do we become different in some way? If you go back to the Bible and look at the book of Acts, God showed us a visual of what takes place when He connects with us through the Holy Spirit. Forty days after Jesus died and rose from the dead, God’s Spirit descended on his followers, which was described as the sound of a violent wind and those in attendance say tongues of fire landed on each person. Was it real flames or was it a vision that everyone saw? The result was everyone speaking in languages that each person understood.
Well, something worked! For two thousand years God has been sending his Holy Spirit into Christians around the world. God wants a perfect connection with humans. He made us in His image giving us a piece of His Spirit and it is with us from the day we are born until the day we die. During our lifetime God gives us free will to choose our own way to live this life or let the Holy Spirit of God connect with us to be our helper and guide. Jesus was God’s way shower to show us by example how a God connected person should live, displaying love for all humans. Jesus also showed us the power we can have in our lives by the miracles he did and he told us we could do the same. For over two thousand years Jesus has been knocking at the door of our lives, waiting for us to open it to let the Spirit of God come in and connect His Spirit to ours. Unless we do that, we go through life being guided by our egos and engage in activities which we hope will result in a life of bliss and lots of material gains. Einstein showed us a different way to look at life. His theory that everything is composed of energy has impacted many aspects of our lives. Without Einstein’s theory we would not have XRay, PET, EKG, MRI machines and many more pieces of technology. The one area of our lives where we ignore quantum energy is when we think of God. If we accept that we are composed of quantum light particles that are frozen in place, what does that say about God? We know from quantum research that these light particles can be in more than one place at any time. They can travel instantaneously anywhere and they carry knowledge. Quantum light is the most powerful force in the universe. Quantum light describes who God is and it helps us understand who we are as individuals. If we are made up of this quantum light, what do we understand about who we are? We know we have a physical body we can see but we also have an emotional body that contains our feelings. We have a mental body which stores our belief systems which we grew up with and most of life’s decisions are influenced by those hidden bodies. Unfortunately, when we don’t connect ourselves to the Spirit of God, life can get pretty screwed up. |
AuthorA soul-touching and inspiring book, God Is Alive and Well presents a fresh and exciting view of God that will ultimately draw readers into a deeper understanding of—and relationship with—their creator. Archives
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