Health and Wellness in the New Energy – Quantum Healing
When the word quantum comes up, people’s eyes glaze over and ask, “What in the world are you talking about?” Health in western society is mainly about how our physical bodies are functioning properly or failing to keep us healthy. However, issues such as depression, PTSD, bipolar disorders, etc. have our medical community trying to solve them with chemical solutions or various psychiatric and psychological approaches. Quantum physics and mechanics have been around for one hundred years and physicists such as Albert Einstein have introduced us to the world we cannot see. Our three-dimensional sight and sound give us a very narrow band of frequencies that we can perceive with our five senses. However, we know there is a whole world that we can’t see but we just accept it on faith. It started with electricity, radio and TV waves, microwaves, and the entire internet. So, it should come as no surprise that science has discovered what we call quantum energy, that is also unseen to the naked eye and is composed of light particles and moves as light waves. Quantum energy has finally shown us who we really are as humans. We know that every atom in plants, animals and us is a swirling vortex of unseen energy composed of trillions of quantum light particles that scientists refer to as coherent or frozen light, that appear as solid to our eyes. This brings us to who we are as quantum energy beings, that have taken on a physical form and was created from our DNA molecule template. Human beings in physical form is an amazing masterpiece of our Creator who designed 50 trillion cells to function and create liver cells, heart cells, skin cells, etc. to function independently and completely in communication and cooperation with every other cell. As an aside, wouldn’t it be great if all humans could cooperate as effectively as every cell in our body? While the physical body is highly complex in its structure, we know that we have three other bodies that are not visible to the naked eye; our emotional, mental and spiritual/soul bodies. We know that our health is determined by the function of all those cells in our physical body. When cold and flu viruses or cancer cells or some form of illness attacks, it tells us something is wrong and we must address it either by going to bed or seeing a doctor to get a chemical remedy. What we fail to realize is, long before the symptoms show up in our physical body, one of the unseen bodies; our emotions or belief systems have been attacked. Even our spirit can be attacked by previous lifetime experiences in the form of unresolved karma that can influence our health in this lifetime. Even genetic problems passed down from one generation to the present influences our health. Let us look at this issue from our everyday practical experiences. Most of us have a computer, tablet or smart phone and they all work perfectly for years. Well, not exactly! Think of the brand new computer or digital device as a metaphor for us when we are first born. Ask any parent and they will all tell you their baby is the most beautiful and perfect child they have ever seen. Similarly, the new computer works perfectly when it comes out of the box. The computer software, on the whole, works flawlessly even though there may be some minor source code correction to keep it running. The same is true of that beautiful baby who looks perfect but may be bringing into this lifetime an odd genetic code that may surface later in life to affect his/her health. As a computer ages, it often begins to malfunction with no explanation. Our emotional and mental bodies function in a similar way as our computer. For some unknown reason sometimes our computer programs pick up viruses and malware which cause our computer to malfunction. Sometimes it is so severe we have to either have them serviced by a technician and in extreme cases we have to replace the hard drive to put the computer back on the road to health. Like our computers we pick up throughout our lifetime imbalanced energy in our four bodies that bring us to a stand still until we deal with the issues that are causing our bodies to fail. Sometimes, like the computer technician we seek out a physician to get our bodies functioning properly again. Sometimes, we need a new hard drive in the form of an organ transplant to make us well again. Finally, we have to address the corrupted source code in our emotional, mental and spirit/soul bodies with a quantum energy solution. Since our bodies are composed totally of energy, we have to find energy solutions to eliminate the imbalanced energy that has collected. Eastern medicine for hundreds of years indicated the need for rebalancing through energy healing. We see it in various energy modalities such as acupuncture. The needles used may be put into specific parts of the body but the intent is to affect the energy flow in the body. Meditation has also been used to release the imbalanced energy that has accumulated in the bodies and there are healing facilitators around the world who can show a person how to move out imbalance energy and replace it with Creator light. What we are looking at is a 21st century approach to Quantum Healing that is available to all humans. Dr. Robert W. Walker Author of God is Alive and Well, educator, energy psychologist, balanced energy specialist, reiki practitioner, healing facilitator, speaker on health and wellness. Contact Dr. Walker at [email protected] and visit his website at
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AuthorA soul-touching and inspiring book, God Is Alive and Well presents a fresh and exciting view of God that will ultimately draw readers into a deeper understanding of—and relationship with—their creator. Archives
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