In Medieval times war was common among the tribes and countries around the world. Hand to hand combat with high death counts was the result of these wars. Over the past century our wars have become higher tech and less human engagement with fewer deaths. In Medieval battles the weapon of war was the broad sword that had a blade that was sharpened on both sides. One side was used to defeat the enemy coming from the front and the other side of the sword was to defeat the enemy who attacked from the rear. Today we are in a war like no other over the past one hundred years. The pandemic Covid-19 war has killed more people in the world than soldiers and civilians lost in the wars fought in the last century.
Special thanks go out to Dr. Jennifer Doudna, the winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry last year and her team of scientific researchers at the University of California, who discovered CRISPR gene editing that led to the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines we are now taking to ward off the virus. I would like you to think about the metaphor of the vaccines being likened to the sharpened blade of the broad sword. The enemy virus is in front of us and we are trying to fight it off with one side of our broad sword. Unfortunately, the other side of our broad sword has not been sharpened and the enemy virus is now attacking us from our rear flank. The Covid-19 virus is changing its mode of attack with new variants and people around the world are victims, falling ill and many are being treated for their war injuries in hospitals and many casualties are resulting. The answer to the world’s dilemma has to be a change in our battle tactics. In Medieval times the warriors sharpened their swords before battle. Like the early history tells us we need to sharpen the other side of our broad sword to ward off the enemy that has attacked from the rear. In 2021 we can sharpen our sword for battle by introducing monoclonal antibody treatments whenever a person receives a positive test for Covid-19. What is a monoclonal antibody treatment? Simply stated it attacks the virus in your body and if administered soon after the diagnosis will kill off the virus and increase the antibodies. This is not a new procedure as it was used as the experimental drug cocktail, Regeneron, to treat the former US president who immediately recovered within days. This is not the only antibody drug cocktail approved for use against Covid-19. The drug-maker Eli Lilly has bamlanivimab and combined with GlaxoSmithKine’s VIR-7831 have proven to be very effective in eliminating Covid-19 from a person’s body. We are in a war with this virus and we need both sides of our broad sword to defeat it. Up until now we have been putting all our eggs in the basket of vaccines but we need to attack the virus that is attacking our rear with monoclonal antibody treatments as soon as a person receives a positive Covid test. Governments have put a lot of resources into securing enough vaccine to inoculate every person. It is now time to ramp up demand for thousands of doses of antibody treatments to be administered through IV and hopefully doses of the treatments by injection or even as a nasal spray to fight the virus in the lungs when they become available. If we want to win this war we need to act now!
Is it Transformational and/or Transactional?
Recently I had a conversation about leadership and what it really means. As a person who was in leadership in education for thirty-six years, it got me to thinking about my own experiences in leadership in multiple settings. She came to the conclusion that she is a transformational leader. Well, what does a transformational leader really mean verses a transactional leader. The transformational leader is the big picture person who looks ahead to see what the future holds for an organization. Sometimes they are called out of the box thinkers. Many and I probably should say most leaders are transactional leaders. They tend to rise up through the ranks of the organization and understand the day-to-day operation which makes them successful in doing their job. Most will hardly ever get into problems with the higher ups in the organization but change will never come from transactional leaders. Let me take a moment and share my own experiences in leadership. At the age of 23 I looked around at other educational leaders of schools and said to myself, “I can do that.” I began applying for principalships and because of a scarcity in that field I was hired. That career began the years of being a school leader in eight schools in two different provinces. Was I a transformational or transactional leader in my career? By now you have probably guessed that I am a transformational leader and you would be correct. My goal was always to promote excellence for students and staff. Now that is easier said than done. The day-to-day operations of running a school often gets in the way of being a transformational leader. It did not take long for reality to set in and throw up all sorts of impediments to my big dreams of promoting excellence and success for everyone. If you are going to survive as a transformational leader, you have to solve the problems and jobs that are constantly rising and have to be addressed and solved. Therefore, as a transformational leader I had to learn how to be a transactional leader. I had to learn the hard way, if I wanted to lead on the big issues, I had to learn how to succeed on the small things. Stepping back, I have come to realize that being just a transformational leader or a transactional leader is a recipe for disappointment and possibly failure. Both are needed for a leader to be successful. Let’s step even further back, let’s look at little children. When a child is born, he/she is a totally transformational thinker. They look around and see the world before them with all its wonder. We all remember building animals and structures with Lego Blocks. Whenever a child goes on a nature walk, they see wonderment all around them. Where in the world did their transformational thinking go as they grew up? A few of us didn’t totally give up our transformational thinking. Most children quickly learn, that if you want to fit into society’s norms, you have to learn the transactional skills of learning the material put in front of them to learn. The longer we are in school and post-secondary institutions the farther away from transformational thinking we develop. As a result, public and private groups have successfully developed a society of transactional leaders in most organizations. What is the answer to leadership at any level and in any societal structure of our western society? Our society and that includes our schools have created individuals who fit into the role they play but successful change will never come with this mentality. In the Bible Jesus said that if you wanted to enter the Kingdom, you needed to start thinking like a child. Remember a child thinks in a transformational way. This raises the question of how. I believe we need to start with our education system needing a total overhaul to determine how and what our children should learn. Society’s challenge is to restore that transformational part of our programs so that creativity is built into every subject area. Transactional thinking can be learned but transformational thinking must be experienced. Health and Wellness in the New Energy – Quantum Healing
When the word quantum comes up, people’s eyes glaze over and ask, “What in the world are you talking about?” Health in western society is mainly about how our physical bodies are functioning properly or failing to keep us healthy. However, issues such as depression, PTSD, bipolar disorders, etc. have our medical community trying to solve them with chemical solutions or various psychiatric and psychological approaches. Quantum physics and mechanics have been around for one hundred years and physicists such as Albert Einstein have introduced us to the world we cannot see. Our three-dimensional sight and sound give us a very narrow band of frequencies that we can perceive with our five senses. However, we know there is a whole world that we can’t see but we just accept it on faith. It started with electricity, radio and TV waves, microwaves, and the entire internet. So, it should come as no surprise that science has discovered what we call quantum energy, that is also unseen to the naked eye and is composed of light particles and moves as light waves. Quantum energy has finally shown us who we really are as humans. We know that every atom in plants, animals and us is a swirling vortex of unseen energy composed of trillions of quantum light particles that scientists refer to as coherent or frozen light, that appear as solid to our eyes. This brings us to who we are as quantum energy beings, that have taken on a physical form and was created from our DNA molecule template. Human beings in physical form is an amazing masterpiece of our Creator who designed 50 trillion cells to function and create liver cells, heart cells, skin cells, etc. to function independently and completely in communication and cooperation with every other cell. As an aside, wouldn’t it be great if all humans could cooperate as effectively as every cell in our body? While the physical body is highly complex in its structure, we know that we have three other bodies that are not visible to the naked eye; our emotional, mental and spiritual/soul bodies. We know that our health is determined by the function of all those cells in our physical body. When cold and flu viruses or cancer cells or some form of illness attacks, it tells us something is wrong and we must address it either by going to bed or seeing a doctor to get a chemical remedy. What we fail to realize is, long before the symptoms show up in our physical body, one of the unseen bodies; our emotions or belief systems have been attacked. Even our spirit can be attacked by previous lifetime experiences in the form of unresolved karma that can influence our health in this lifetime. Even genetic problems passed down from one generation to the present influences our health. Let us look at this issue from our everyday practical experiences. Most of us have a computer, tablet or smart phone and they all work perfectly for years. Well, not exactly! Think of the brand new computer or digital device as a metaphor for us when we are first born. Ask any parent and they will all tell you their baby is the most beautiful and perfect child they have ever seen. Similarly, the new computer works perfectly when it comes out of the box. The computer software, on the whole, works flawlessly even though there may be some minor source code correction to keep it running. The same is true of that beautiful baby who looks perfect but may be bringing into this lifetime an odd genetic code that may surface later in life to affect his/her health. As a computer ages, it often begins to malfunction with no explanation. Our emotional and mental bodies function in a similar way as our computer. For some unknown reason sometimes our computer programs pick up viruses and malware which cause our computer to malfunction. Sometimes it is so severe we have to either have them serviced by a technician and in extreme cases we have to replace the hard drive to put the computer back on the road to health. Like our computers we pick up throughout our lifetime imbalanced energy in our four bodies that bring us to a stand still until we deal with the issues that are causing our bodies to fail. Sometimes, like the computer technician we seek out a physician to get our bodies functioning properly again. Sometimes, we need a new hard drive in the form of an organ transplant to make us well again. Finally, we have to address the corrupted source code in our emotional, mental and spirit/soul bodies with a quantum energy solution. Since our bodies are composed totally of energy, we have to find energy solutions to eliminate the imbalanced energy that has collected. Eastern medicine for hundreds of years indicated the need for rebalancing through energy healing. We see it in various energy modalities such as acupuncture. The needles used may be put into specific parts of the body but the intent is to affect the energy flow in the body. Meditation has also been used to release the imbalanced energy that has accumulated in the bodies and there are healing facilitators around the world who can show a person how to move out imbalance energy and replace it with Creator light. What we are looking at is a 21st century approach to Quantum Healing that is available to all humans. Dr. Robert W. Walker Author of God is Alive and Well, educator, energy psychologist, balanced energy specialist, reiki practitioner, healing facilitator, speaker on health and wellness. Contact Dr. Walker at [email protected] and visit his website at Have you ever wondered why mankind has so much difficulty getting along and when they can’t they declare war? For thousands of years people, communities and countries have been engaged in war to get what the other has – whether it is land, resources or power. Today, we are seeing around the world people engaged in rebellion against either their own governments or the governments of other countries that want to impose their will. Human nature seems to be prone to getting what they want for themselves rather than considering the other. Let’s go back to the beginning of time when God introduced consciousness to his creation. What do we mean by the word consciousness? Simply put, all of God’s creation is conscious or everything He created is filled with life, regardless whether it is earth, plants, trees, animals, birds, insects and humans. Since everything is conscious or alive, why is everything that is alive unique. God, in His unique plan gave everything an attribute to maintain its ability to be individual in nature. Everything in God’s creation has a personality which is composed of an ego. Plants and animals having an ego and personality sounds strange. Let us think about that idea for a minute. Does a dandelion become a rose? Of course not, it will pollinate and reproduce its own but never cross over into another plant species and it has done that for thousands of years. Many people have pets and declare that every pet has its own personality. Why is it that a dog or a cat can have a personality or ego driving its actions and not every other animal on the planet? So, what is the purpose of the ego? In one word it is every living thing’s survival mechanism. This works well for plants and animals but what about humans. Along with the ego God gave mankind one more gift: the soul which is a piece of God’s Spirit. When we go back to the biblical story of the Garden of Eden, we initially see the soul of Adam and Eve fully in connection and in direct communication with the Creator. When the first couple decided to challenge God’s direction, we see their egos coming into force to govern their lives and their future relationship with God. How can we understand what the ego really is? Let us go back to our own beginning to see how God is at work in not only our daily lives but His work at the time of our conception in the womb. We must first acknowledge through the study of quantum physics that everything, including us, is composed of light energy. Since God is the Light of the World, He is also in us at all times and is working with us at this very moment to keep our bodies working through our hearts beating, to every cell in our bodies carrying out their specific functions. We usually think our subconscious bodies function on auto pilot but if you remove God’s creative work from behind the scenes to keep you alive, you would instantly die. So, how does God create our egos to keep our individuality as a species and maintain our survival? In the energy of the Creator God you have two aspects that are also in our bodies – electricity and magnetism. To understand how God functions, the masculine aspect of God is electricity which is the active creative force of the universe. The feminine aspect of God is love which is embodied in magnetism. Hence, when the two aspects of God come together it creates electro-magnetism. Scientific research shows us that ever cell in our body is a mini electro-magnet which shows us we are really made in God’s image. If the masculine aspect of God is electricity, how does that function in our lives. Every action we take is our attempt to think and then act. Most of the time it is just routine actions of putting one foot in front of the other but sometime that creative action may lead us to change jobs or move to a new place or retire. Everything we do is an aspect of the electricity of creativity in our lives. Now let’s introduce the feminine love aspect of magnetism in our lives as represented by our ego personality. Magnetism is composed of bonding and repulsion and that is the role of the ego in our personalities. How does this work? You live in a community that has standards you are expected to embrace and live by. This is the bonding aspect of magnetism. Your parents and teachers taught you early what was acceptable and not acceptable if you wanted to belong. Therefore, during your life you have bonded with friends, neighbors, family, acceptable jobs and workplace colleagues. The bonding with comfortable people and places is your survival mechanisms. This is the safe side that your ego gives you when you bond with everything that feels comfortable to you. This part of your ego promotes LOVE. What about the opposite side of your ego which is rejection? This is the part of the ego that is running rampant in our world society and is leading to the many wars in different countries or is upsetting norms and values that have existed for generations in other countries. How does the magnetic ego of rejection play itself out in our lives? Here are a few: inability to share with others; devising ways and means to become rich at the expense of others; stealing, failing to perform your work conscientiously or give good fair value for money, snapping, snarling, indulging in sarcasm, judgementalism, rejection, denigration, enmity, intolerance, hatred, jealousy, aggression, violent impulses, thieving, falsehoods, double and devious dealings, slander, etc. When a person, or a group, or a country uses the rejection aspect of their egos, they are moving farther away from God just like Adam and Eve. God gave humans the ego for his and her survival and that part of the ego has functioned successfully for all of millennia. The ego has brought people together and separated them out from those who were different from them. Since God gave every man, woman and child an ego to survive and thrive, can God be the judge when the rejection side of the ego is exercised? Most of our Christian churches have taught that God condemns that as sin and it must be forgiven by God. It raises the question of what God’s role is in mankind’s life. Is it God’s role to forgive or is it humans seeking forgiveness from those that were sinned against? The Master Jesus was asked how many times a person should forgive another person for doing harm. He answered that a person should not just forgive another person seven times but seventy-seven times. Let’s face it, is it not easier to ask God to forgive you for your sins, than to go face to face with the one you have wrong and ask him or her for their forgiveness. This is what God expect each of us to do when our ego rejection hurts others. When God created mankind, the Creator wanted him or her to be balanced. What do we mean by balanced? God knew that giving all living things an ego, set up a scenario for abuse when the rejection side of the magnetic ego could run rampant and cause others strife. The two sides of the ego personality in plants and animals does not raise the same abuses that have arisen in humans. This leads us back to that piece of God’s Spirit that is in all of us, our soul or spirit. God’s plan for mankind was for each person to keep the bonding side of the ego in balance with the rejection side of the ego, so that everyone in the world would be able to accept every other person in the world as an equal. The problem we have in society today is the rise of imbalanced egos in people around the world. Behind the scenes we do see people using the bonding side of their egos to bring about good in other people’s lives. Unfortunately, the news and media report the people whose rejection egos are out of control leading to violence against others. We must remember that these people need our prayers for balance to return to a balanced ego drive. This leads us to see the bigger picture God has for all of us. It isn’t just keeping a balance in our ego personalities. It is making the next step for all mankind to realize that their souls are part of God and it has always been his plan to have people awaken and pray with intent that their souls become part of their lives by making a direct connection with God’s Spirit and seeking His or Her guidance in living this life. When we are only guided by our egos throughout this life, we keep searching for satisfaction through work, play, material goods, family and friends. What we fail to realize is the ego is only half the answer. The other half of the equation is adding our spirit. Joy and satisfaction come when our ego is in the back seat and our soul or spirit is in the front seat guiding our every decision and move. When we close the loop of our egos and our spirits, we will finally find what Jesus referred to as entering “The Kingdom of Heaven” on earth during our lifetime. By Dr. Robert W. Walker Author of God is Alive and Well, educator, energy psychologist, balanced energy specialist, reiki practitioner, speaker on health and wellness. Contact Dr. Walker at [email protected] and visit his website at Health and Wellness is the challenge each of us face every day of our lives. What makes it more difficult is the times in which we are living. We have more information at our finger tips today than at any time in human history. If we have a health problem, we can google it and find out what it is and a medical remedy for it. However, we are not getting the total picture of the medical problem or its remedy. Even our physicians are trained using the same information we can find on the internet. Most of the information we get came from the old energy era and may or may not be totally accurate in the new energy of today. As individuals, we are seeking answers to how to live and cope at this period of time in earth’s evolving energy. What worked in health and wellness a few years ago may not work today.
We need to clarify what it really means to live in the new energy of today. Science teaches us that everything is composed of atoms that are swirling energy. That means that everything you see and don’t see is composed of quantum light particles and waves. It is hard for any person to see himself or herself as a bundle of energy but until we accept that as fact, our health and wellness will be at the whim of knowledge from the old energy. In the new energy we must accept the fact that health and wellness is not just concerned with our physical bodies. In the old energy we have been taught that the physical body is all important and the diagnosis of health problems can be addressed at that level. Unfortunately, our medical practitioners have a difficult time addressing issues that arise in our emotional, mental and soul/spirit bodies. While psychology and psychiatry have attempted to deal with issues that arise in the emotional and mental bodies, the new energy still has not been fully considered. If everything in the universe is composed of energy, we have three bodies that are also composed of energy we cannot see – our emotional, mental and soul. The question the medical community struggles with is how to heal these invisible bodies and bring health and wellness back to the physical form of the person. The problem is how do we heal invisible energy? Up to this point, the medical community has relied on the pharmaceutical industry to come up with solutions. Unfortunately, some drugs have resulted in side effects and addictions that have exacerbate the medical issue. Since our three invisible bodies don’t always respond to a chemical solution, the New Energy is telling us to look for energy solutions, since that is what makes up our bodies and everything around us. In order to find an energy solution, we must first of all understand how energy functions. When the Creator God formed the universe and everything in it, including humans, duality was part of the creation. We have a north and south pole, east and west, up and down, in and out and in human terms, light and dark or balance and imbalance. Duality enters into everything we say and do every day of our lives. When we think of God, we think only of good that is represented in His/Her Light and Love. As humans, through our egos, we have created a dark energy that religions call the devil. As humans, we get caught up in the duality of the light and dark. Throughout our lives we invite light and dark energy into our emotional bodies in the form of feelings of love and kindness towards others and ourselves but we also invite darkness or imbalance energy through our thoughts and feelings of hate, greed, separation, envy, racism and many other negative feelings. We are a product of our feelings and emotions when it comes to the health and wellness of our bodies. Think of the emotional body as a teeter totter with a store of positive light energy on one end and dark imbalanced energy on the other end. If the dark energy in the emotions is stronger, the teeter totter will dip and result in disease or ill health arising in the physical body. The same is true in our mental bodies. The problem is we often have no idea that our mental bodies are also filled with negative imbalanced energy because of where we live, who are in our family and what belief system we have acquired throughout our life. If we grow up in a community where we never see a person of another color or faith, how do we think we treat that person? In the world today we are faced with societies undergoing massive change as people, who are not like us are coming into our midst and challenging the very belief systems that are in place. When our belief system rejects others, who are different from us, the dark imbalanced energy tips the teeter totter and that negativity once again challenges our health and wellness. Our soul or spirit is with us from the time of our birth and leaves when we die but it is like the silent cousin who watches everything we say and do but offers no response to what we do because God gave us free will to live our life in whatever way we desire. That soul or spirit is God’s gift to us and it is up to each person how he/she wants to use it. The soul or spirit can remain quiet and not interfere during our lifetime or we can ask, with intent, for God’s Spirit to connect with our soul to become active and tip the teeter totter to the balanced light. Our challenge in this life is to ensure the teeter totter is tipping to the balanced light in each of our four bodies. This is no easy task but it is what God expects of each person that is alive on this planet. Cleaning house is the metaphor for the role we must undertake if we desire a life of joy filled with the Creator Light. To accomplish the cleaning process meditation and prayer are needed to seek the removal of the dark, imbalance energy that has accumulated throughout our lifetime. Assistance can be sought from pastors, counsellors, and any professional that understands the need to clear out unwanted energy. On a spiritual level we can appeal to God, Jesus and any of the Masters or Angels to aid in the cleansing process. The mental body is an even bigger challenge for cleaning out old belief systems that are no longer needed. Once again, our intent to open ourself to the Light and Love of the Creator is the beginning. We must realize that personal change comes very slowly but our sincere intent to follow the Light is our beginning of a new life. The aim is for the four bodies to reduce the negative, dark, imbalanced energy, so the teeter totter tips totally to the side of the Light energy. Finally, when the dark energy leaves our bodies, a void is created. The final act is to invite the Creator’s Light into each of the four bodies and enjoy the change that will give purpose to why we are on earth at this time. Dr. Robert W. Walker Author of God is Alive and Well, educator, energy psychologist, balanced energy specialist, reiki practitioner, speaker on health and wellness. Contact Dr. Walker at [email protected] and visit his website at The New Science of quantum physics has proven that all things, including us, are composed of trillions of swirling atoms. As humans, we have a hard time visualizing ourselves as energy in the form of light particles and light waves that are captured in these physical forms. When we think of Health and Wellness in the New Energy, we must examine what that really means to how we must maintain bodies that are balanced and not susceptible to disease and aging.
When we think of our bodies, we look in the mirror and see a physical form which we think is all there is to us, but we fail to realize we are really four bodies in one. We also have an emotional body that houses all of our emotions, both positive and negative. We have a mental body that holds all of our belief systems that we collect over our lifetime from family, educators, friends and environment. The fourth body is our soul or spirit that is the piece of God’s Spirit that we receive at birth and is silently with us until the day we die, when it returns back to the Supreme Creator or as some call heaven. Let us now look at what is the reality of being humans in energy form. First of all, we think of our physical bodies as being finite. We are born, grow up, live our working lives, retire, age to a certain number of years and die. If our physical bodies are really composed of energy, something is wrong with that picture. The New Science tells us energy can never be destroyed but can be changed. Our body’s energy can change over time but it is our culture and belief systems that indicate how many years we can live in physical bodies on this earth. When we think of Health and Wellness in the New Energy, we know that our lifetime is not finite but can change to give us more time. History tells us there were people who lived to extremely old age; 600 to 900 years. We might not aspire to live that long but the potential is there to change our lifespan to give us more time to accomplish why we came to this earth at this time. How do we accomplish a change in energy to give us longer lives? We need to examine the energy that resides in our emotional, mental and spirit bodies to determine the changes required. The title of this article is You Reap What You Sow. This is a very old saying but it holds a new meaning when you consider it in the New Energy. Farmers are very aware of what it takes to reap an excellent crop but do we understand what we must do to extend our lives? Science has been very active in determining why disease impacts the physical body. What is found is disease (which is an energy frequency) does not start in our physical bodies but often comes in from one of the unseen bodies. Let us begin with the emotional body. Both positive and negative emotions are stored up in this body. What we fail to realize is we can become angry with someone and after it is all over bury it with never a thought. Unfortunately, those angry thoughts against another are stored up in our emotional bodies. Likewise, when we fall in love with another, those emotions also stay with us for our entire lifetime. The emotions may change over time but they never disappear. As well, when we see horrific scenes in our lives, whether in war or as first responders, that emotion is tucked away in our emotional bodies and returns as PTSD. Sometimes what we see and hear is beyond our control but the result is still the same and is stored as energy that can show up in our physical bodies years later as disease or impairment. The mental body is also invisible to the naked eye but is profound in the effect it can have in the health and welfare of our physical body over time. Our mental bodies are formed by our parents who teach us what is acceptable or not acceptable in the culture we were raised. These beliefs are reinforced by our teachers in childhood and youth. Our friends teach us what is good and bad, right and wrong and our workplace also reinforces a set of beliefs in how to survive and thrive. We must remember that all of those beliefs are composed of energy that can be both positive and negative and our physical body will respond to what it is fed. When the belief systems of a person are challenged by someone or some occurrence, the mental body goes into overtime trying to figure out how to cope. When coping mechanisms fail to solve the issue, the physical body can feel the effects through stress or some other challenge to its functioning. Balance can result only when the challenges to the mental body of beliefs remains intact. The soul or spirit of a person is probably the least understood of the four bodies but it really is the most important for the Health and Welfare of the other three bodies. First of all, we must ask ourselves why we even have a soul? The vast majority of people on earth believe we have a soul that lives on after we die and goes to some heavenly reward. Entire religions have built their belief systems on guiding people during their lifetime to receive a final reward in some heavenly realm. We have spent so much time over the millennia trying to find a home for our soul after life that we fail to realize the importance of the soul during a person’s lifetime. Most people don’t even think of the purpose of a soul when they are alive and then worry about it as they grow old. The soul or spirit is like all of us and is composed of energy. However, when God created us, He gave us free will to live our lives in whatever way we desire. Since the Creator is energy and is referred to as the Light of the world and the New Science shows that quantum light can be in multiple places, God may be closer to us than we ever realized. Since energy likes to collect with other energy, the Creator sought to have every person seek a connection with the All That Is. Without the connection of our soul to the Spirit of God, we will never know the Health and Wellness that is available to each of us in this lifetime and how long we can live on this earth. As we live our lives our thoughts, emotions and beliefs are formed by our families, friends, teachers and culture. If you were raised in a religious tradition, the rules for life were guided by the biblical laws and norms handed down through centuries of interpretation. All of this took place in an old energy that was meant to control the thoughts and actions of the followers of that religion. In the old energy mankind’s connection to the Creator God was meant to denigrate his/her true nature as a son or daughter of God, the Supreme Being. Some religions went so far as to teach that everyone is born dirty and must spend the rest of his/her life getting rid of that dirt which is referred to as sin.
The New Energy challenges that concept that humans are sinful creatures, who must be brought into line, if they want a special reward after they complete this life. The quantum light particles and waves totally debunk many of the theories that supported the old energy. The new science of Quantum Physics tells us that everything we see, including ourselves, is really made up of light energy or the God energy of creation. Just as the Supreme Being can be instantaneously in you, He/She can be anywhere in the universe just like the quantum light particles and waves. If we really are made up of light particles, then think of how close God is with us and in us at all times. This brings our message to, how do we have perfect Health and Wellness in this New Energy? If, as science tells us, we are made up of swirling atoms, why is our health under attack so often? Some call the human body captured, coherent or frozen light particles. When we think of how complex our body is and most of it works on auto pilot, why does it often break down. This leads to the recognition that we have a physical body we can see but we also have three bodies we can’t see; our emotional body, our mental body and our spiritual body. When our physical body breaks down and gets sick, we seek outside help to bring it back to perfect health. Depending on our culture we seek help from trained professionals to address whatever they believe will restore health to us. In western societies a physician is sought to aid us. Most doctors have been trained in seeking answers to problems through pharmaceutical answers in the form of chemical concoctions, which may or may not bring our bodies back into equilibrium. While many drugs do alleviate health problems, it is part of the processes and procedures of the old energy. So, what is the answer to the sicknesses that arise in the body? To answer that question, we must examine the other three bodies. While our emotional body is invisible to us, it is vital to the health of the human body. Our emotional body is the residence of every emotion you have ever had in this life; everything from the love you felt for your mother at birth to the sadness of never fulfilling your desires at the end of your life. We must remember that the Creator God is pure love. At times we see that love, when we fall in love with another person and the ecstasy that we feel. Love brings us closer to God which is our natural nature for how He/She made us. However, when we feel anger, hatred, greed, separation and a multitude of negative feelings, they also are banked in our emotional body. Today, the scourge of people who have been through war and traumas result in PTSD. This results in a spilling over effect into our physical bodies resulting in poor health, depression and suicide. Our second invisible body is our mental body which houses our belief systems that are collected over our lifetime from all the people around us. When love surrounds our life, the influence brings us into line with how God created us from birth. However, some are born into challenging lives that teach hate and division and these belief systems can also influence how our physical bodies react. If negativity exists in a person’s life, then the very negative thoughts can produce the thing a person doesn’t want. If your belief system believes you will get cancer because others in your family had it, that thought, which is energy sends a message to your physical body that cancer should attack you, as well. The third invisible body is our spirit or soul which comes to us at birth and is a piece of the Creator God. The soul of a human is probably the least understood of our four bodies. Most people in the world believe that the soul is eternal and leaves to go back to God when we die. Many religions state we only have one life and when its over that’s it. However, if our soul is part of God and He/She is eternal, logically so are we. As we mentioned previously, God’s light is in everything but that does not mean that God is in any way controlling us as we go through life. In the beginning the Creator gave every man, woman and child free will to make their decisions in how to live this life. It isn’t until we ask to have Him/Her aid us, will the God of all Creation come in to offer guidance. Hence, most people go through life never seeking that help and the soul cannot influence the health and welfare of the other three bodies. So, what is the dilemma of poor health? Over the past we have tried to solve our health problems with chemical solutions. While there is a place for drugs, many of our problems are energy problems that affect our well-being. Since everything is composed of energy, our solutions must involve clearing out negative energies that move into our physical bodies from our emotional and mental bodies. Just as we have to every now and then clean our houses, we also need house cleaning of our emotions, belief systems and restore our soul’s connection to the Creator’s Spirit. As we live our lives our thoughts, emotions and beliefs are formed by our families, friends, teachers and culture. If you were raised in a religious tradition the rules for life were guided by the biblical laws and norms handed down through centuries of interpretation. All of this took place in an old energy that was meant to control the thoughts and actions of the followers of that religion. In the old energy mankind’s connection to the Creator God was meant to denigrate his/her true nature as a son or daughter of God, the Supreme Being. Some religions went so far as to teach that everyone is born dirty and must spend the rest of his/her life getting rid of that dirt which is referred to as sin.
The New Energy challenges that concept that humans are sinful creatures, who must be brought into line, if they want a special reward after they complete this life. The quantum light particles and waves totally debunk many of the theories that supported the old energy. The new science of Quantum Physics tells us that everything we see, including ourselves, is really made up of light energy or the God energy of creation. Just as the Supreme Being can be instantaneously in you, He/She can be anywhere in the universe just like the quantum light particles and waves. If we really are made up of light particles, then think of how close God is with us and in us at all times. This brings our message to, how do we have perfect Health and Wellness in this New Energy? If, as science tells us, we are made up of swirling atoms, why is our health under attack so often? Some call the human body captured, coherent or frozen light particles. When we think of how complex our body is and most of it works on auto pilot, why do it often break down. This leads to the recognition that we have a physical body we can see but we also have three bodies we can’t see; our emotional body, our mental body and our spiritual body. When our physical body breaks down and gets sick, we seek outside help to bring it back to perfect health. Depending on our culture we seek help from trained professionals to address whatever they believe will restore health to us. In western societies a physician is sought to aid us. Most doctors have been trained in seeking answers to problems through pharmaceutical answers in the form of chemical concoctions, which may or may not bring our bodies back into equilibrium. While may drugs do alleviate health problems, it is part of the processes and procedures of the old energy. So, what is the answer to the sicknesses that arise in the body? To answer that question, we must examine the other three bodies. While our emotional body is invisible to us, it is vital to the health of the human body. Our emotional body is the residence of every emotion you have ever had in this life; everything from the love you felt for your mother at birth to the sadness of never fulfilling your desires at the end of your life. We must remember that the Creator God is pure love. At times we see that love, when we fall in love with another person and the ecstasy that we feel. Love brings us closer to God which is our natural nature for how He/She made us. However, when we feel anger, hatred, greed, separation and a multitude of negative feelings, they also are banked in our emotional body. Today, the scourge of people who have been through war and traumas result in PTSD. This results in a spilling over effect into our physical bodies resulting in poor health, depression and suicide. Our second invisible body is our mental body which houses our belief systems that are collected over our lifetime from all the people around us. When love surrounds our life, the influence brings us into line with how God created us from birth. However, some are born into challenging lives that teach hate and division and these belief systems can also influence how our physical bodies react. If negativity exists in a person’s life, then the very negative thoughts can produce the thing a person doesn’t want. If your belief system believes you will get cancer because others in your family had it, that thought, which is energy sends a message to your physical body that cancer should attack you, as well. The third invisible body is our spirit or soul which comes to us at birth and is a piece of the Creator God. The soul of a human is probably the least understood of our four bodies. Most people in the world believe that the soul is eternal and leaves to go back to God when we die. Many religions state we only have one life and when its over that’s it. However, if our soul is part of God and He/She is eternal, logically so are we. As we mentioned previously, God’s light is in everything but that does not mean that God is in any way controlling us as we go through life. In the beginning the Creator gave every man, woman and child free will to make their decisions in how to live this life. It isn’t until we ask to have Him/Her aid us, will the God of all Creation come in to offer guidance. Hence, most people go through life never seeking that help and the soul cannot influence the health and welfare of the other three bodies. So, what is the dilemma of poor health? Over the past we have tried to solve our health problems with chemical solutions. While there is a place for drugs, many of our problems are energy problems that affect our well-being. Since everything is composed of energy, our solutions must involve clearing out negative energies that move into our physical bodies from our emotional and mental bodies. Just as we have to every now and then clean our houses, we also need house cleaning of our emotions, belief systems and restore our soul’s connection to the Creator’s Spirit. In a world that is becoming more divided each day, we ask ourselves why? Why do we choose to declare anyone who has an opposing view as our enemy? Why do we discount anyone who has a different color of skin or a different religion from us as less than human? We need to go back to the beginning of time when the world was first created and humans were introduced. God gave us all free will to make our own choices about how to live our lives from birth to death. He also gave us a piece of Himself in the form of a soul or spirit to guide us through life, if we so choose. Unfortunately, most people feel that they really don’t need anyone telling them how to live. So, most people don’t bother to ask God to connect their soul to His Spirit. Now, let’s get into 21st century quantum science to fully understand who God is and who we are as human beings. The new science tells us that everything in the universe that is solid is composed of atoms which is really swirling vortexes of energy. That means you and I are composed of energy and that includes the chair you are sitting on. Look around and realize that even though everything looks solid, it is really composed of energy. Now let’s get into what that energy is composed of. Scientists now know that the energy of the universe and our bodies is composed of particles of light and when they travel, they are waves of light. Here is where life gets really interesting. The Bible tells us that God is the Light of the world. He can be in multiple places at the same time just as scientists have found that quantum light can also be in multiple places at the same time. We are also told that God is referred to as the Word. Can you believe that quantum light can carry messages instantaneously from one location to another? This is where life gets really interesting for us. If God is in the particles and waves of quantum light, he is in everything around us that we can see but he also is in our bodies. Wait just a minute, if God is in us at all times because He resides in the quantum light, why don’t I feel His presence. Let’s go back to what was said earlier. God gives every human free will to live as he or she chooses. Hence, God can be always in us and around us at all times but He will never interfere with your life. The Bible says that it is up to each individual person to give God permission to become active in his or her life. I call it connecting to God. The Bible calls it being born again and others call it being spiritually awakened. Where does this leave us as a road map forward for society? If a piece of God’s Spirit is in each of us and He is in the quantum light that fills us, what is our relationship with people who are opposed to us and have different views? What is our relationship with people who have a different skin color or a different religion? If you believe that God is in the quantum light and is part of everything and everyone, we must look on those who oppose us or have different perspectives on life as our brothers and sisters. Let us add one more thought to the picture. If God is in everything you see, then God is also in the plants, water, earth, rocks, animals, birds, insects and air, and we are connected to everything. In closing I ask, how are we doing in respecting all of God’s Kingdom and not just our own? Let me know what you think at [email protected]. Food for thought! The study of quantum energy has opened the door to many facts about whom we are and who God is. We know that quantum energy is composed of particles of light and light waves invisible to the naked eye but are still just as real as electricity, X-Rays, MRI’s and sound. Albert Einstein showed us that everything is composed of that energy. Previously, I have theorized that the properties of quantum light are the same as the description of God’s power shown to us throughout the Bible. God is described as the “Light of the World.”
How does this fit into our discussion about relationships? First of all, humans were never built to be solitary individuals. We all need other people around us to make sense of how to live our lives on this earth. Most, but not all, gravitate to a relationship with another person and consummate it with a marriage ceremony. Sociologists say that we engage other people in our lives to be mirrors to us, so we can learn the lessons we need. As well, we like to live in a comfort zone, so we try to stay in families and in a culture we call our own. How does all this begin? When we are born, God gives us a piece of His Spirit which becomes our Soul or Spirit and it stays with us from our birth to our death. However, we must remember that God wants us to learn life lessons and He will not interfere with that process unless we ask for Him to connect His Spirit to ours to give us guidance in how to tackle the day to day challenges we face. What we fail to realize is, God didn’t just give us a piece of His Spirit, He gave every other person on earth a piece, as well. Regardless of our thoughts, feelings and beliefs about others, we are all connected to each other through the piece of Spirit that God gave to everyone. In reality, we are all brothers and sisters. The thing that confuses us is the DNA that we carry in our bodies. No one else in the entire world has the same DNA code and therefore we must all be unique. Well, that is true if you just look at the physical body which looks totally different from every other person. However, when we go back to the study of quantum energy, we realize we don’t just have one body. In fact, we have four bodies; besides the physical body, we have an emotional body that contains every emotion we have ever had. We have a mental body that contains our beliefs that we received from our families and culture and change with new experiences that change the way we think. Finally, we told you previously that we have a Soul/Spirit body that is our direct connection to God and is activated when we ask Him to become a guide in our lives. The challenge we have in a world that seems to be putting people of all races and cultures together, is God’s challenge for us to recognize our spiritual connection to every person we meet. |
AuthorA soul-touching and inspiring book, God Is Alive and Well presents a fresh and exciting view of God that will ultimately draw readers into a deeper understanding of—and relationship with—their creator. Archives
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